Everything you need, all in one-place. RadServ Ltd Dosimetry Services Division can ensure that you assess risk levels appropriately and that the proper dosimetry solutions are implemented in a cost-efficient manner. Whether you need radiation badges, shielding design, or a comprehensive radiation protection plan, we are here for you.
Explore our dosimeters and services below
Luxel® + Pa
Industries: Hospitals & Healthcare Systems, Medical Clinics, Dental & Veterinary, Industry & Energy. Landauer’s Luxel+ dosimeters measure radiation exposure due to X-ray, gamma and beta radiation with optically stimulated luminescence (OSL) technology. These dosimeters are durable and are unaffected by heat, moisture and pressure when the original packaging isn’t compromised. Because of the sealant, dosimeters may be used for up to a year.
Badge Board
Collect, store and distribute dosimeters from one convenient location. Available in three sizes, dosimeter boards are lightweight, durable and can be displayed anywhere.
Radiation Protection Package
Radiation Protection Plans are required to demonstrate compliance with regulatory authorities. RadServ can develop this plan as a stand-alone service or as part of our Radiation Safety Consultancy Services.
Landauer Vision™
Monitor your lens of eye dose with LANDAUER VISION, a small, compact and ergonomic dosimeter that does not impede your activity or view. It provides clear user identification and wear periods and can be easily applied to glasses, visors and caps.
Saturn® Ring
Saturn is an extremity dosimeter ideal for workers who manipulate or work in close proximity to radioactive materials and ionising radiation-producing equipment. It delivers precise readings, can be worn in wet or dry conditions and features a flexible fit for maximum comfort.
Genesis TLD
This dosimeter responds accurately to beta, gamma, x-ray and neutron radiation. The response of each element is corrected by the application of its own unique element correction factor. The Genesis TLD allows for reporting deep, lens of eye and shallow doses. This ring can be cold sterilized and is available in 4 different colors. With comfort in mind, the ring can be worn under surgical gloves for wear periods ranging from 1 week to 1 year.
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Luxel® + Ja
The Luxel dosimeter relies on optically stimulated luminescence (OSL) technology for X-ray, Gamma and Beta and with an added CR-39 component for Fast Neutron radiation Monitoring.
Luxel® + Ta
Choose this thermal neutron dosimeter for monitoring radiation near graphite-moderated neutron sources or monitoring requirements that involve exposure to low, high or varying mixtures of neutron energies, such as those occurring in nuclear power plants and shielded high energy accelerators.
InLight® Model 2
- Hospitals & Health Care Systems
- Industry & Energy
Featuring LANDAUER’s leading optically stimulated luminescence (OSL) technology, the InLight Model 2 dosimeter requires no preparation to wear and provides complete reanalysis capabilities for dose verification and archiving. This OSL dosimeter, with its enhanced holder and customizable labels providing relevant wearer information – accommodates Neutrak® for neutron detection and optional imaging sensor.
Luxel dosimeters & Saturn Ring photos courtesy of